I am going to start with the camel. The camel has adapted alot to its habitat. It is used as a means of transport for travellers. For them to be able to walk and lie down on the hot rock and sand it has thick wide pads on its feet and knees. It can go for a long time without water because it can drink 100 litres in 10 minutes! The camels lips are thick so that they can eat thistles and it won't hurt them. They have really long eyelashes so that when there is a sandstorm the sand http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1396/1184374438_86972543f6_o.jpg
does`t get into their eyes. They can also close their nostrils for this purpose.
The collared lizard is pretty cool because when he is threatened he runs really fast on his hind legs. he has adapted to his predators because if they grab his tail the skin comes off! He also has massive jaws as he is a carnivor.
Finally the desert bighorn sheep, it has big horns that can get into the cacti`s nutritious insides. to keep cool they would sweat and pant (like a dog). They stay in the desert because they do not like man made environments.
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